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Vaccinations Available daily at Essentra Pharmacy*:
*Subject to availability.
Will you be traveling outside the United States? Our Pharmacists are trained to administer routinely needed vaccinations, and many of the travel vaccines. We will review your vaccination history and make personalized recommendations for needed vaccinations and booster doses. We can also help you research when you are traveling to assure that you and your family are prepared for your trip and have proper protection. We will bill your insurance for vaccines when covered, and update your primary care doctor of vaccines you have received.
Does your organization need protection from the flu virus? Are you interested in our pharmacy providing vaccinations to your group or organization? Do you need to reduce illness in your workplace? We offer on-site vaccination visits throughout central Ohio. If you’d like more information please give us a call at 419-253-0632. We’d love to discuss options and available dates and times with you.